National Relocation
Welcome services
- House searching
- Bank account
- Tax card
- Health insurance
- House and car insurance
- Connections (Electricity, Internet, Phone, Mobile Phone, TV)
- Car import and registration
- Pet import
- Driving License registration or change
- Schools registration
- Child allowance request
- Assistance to apply for Authorization of Visa
- Schengen Visa
- Residence permit
Good-bye services
- Moving out inspection (cosmetic repair)
- Cancelation for tax card
- Cancelation for health insurance
- Cancelation for house and car insurance
- Cancelation for Connections (Electricity, Internet, Phone, Mobile
Phone, TV)
- Cancelation for car registration
- Cancelation for schools & leisure’s registration
- Cancelation for child allowance
- Cancelation for Authorization of Visa
- Mail forwarding
- Car and pet export
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